So in (hopefully not) a vain attempt to save my garden I've covered it. We will see. Oh the joy of living in Logan in the spring.
So the next question of the morning is about the lawn. If the snow wont kill my vegetable garden will it kill grass seed? Over the winter the accumulation of Howser going potty on our front lawn ruffly in the same 3 by 4 feet of area has taken it's toll. We are trying to reseed the area but we only put seed down last Saturday. Maybe the snow will act as a slow release moisture with out causing the seed to go dormant? Maybe?
Well we will just have to see what happens.
I think that I truly have one of the sweetest husbands in the world. But I am biased. The other evening I was in a bad mood and didn't feel good. Life just stunk at the moment. So Jared being the sweet husband that he is left me a surprise on our kitchen table before he left for work. See:
I really am lucky :)
The mix of branches with the daffodil is the flowering ornamental Cherry that grows in our front yard and some of the blooming plum branches that were pruned off the tree. It really brightened up my day.
That is so sad Lisa! Glad Jared brightened your day with the flowers!!! I'm glad you like living in Logan and at least you somewhat have grass! We still have to redo what happened to ours with the voles. Hopefully we will have grass again soon. Best of Luck with the Garden!